Monday, November 29, 2010

Blessed Beyond Measure

People say, “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.” Unfortunately, that is true far too often. I don’t want to be one of those people. Time goes by too fast. I want to enjoy my kids while they’re still kids. Sometimes it’s easier than others.

Alyssa came to bed with us the past two nights. She had been coughing and couldn't sleep. She is a cuddler. She likes to sleep practically on top of me and rub my back or shoulder. While it’s very sweet, it makes it difficult to get comfortable as I get pushed almost off the bed. These past two nights though, she didn’t do that. One would think I would have been happy about it. Sure, I had more room. Yes, I slept a little better. But I missed her cuddles. I missed her wanting to be close. “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.”

All three of them are my “little shadows.” They follow me all over the house, constantly. At times, I’m tripping over them. But others are very precious to me. Alyssa loves to get her toy blow-dryer, curling iron, and “make-up” and get ready with me. She also likes to get her baby doll, pack a diaper bag, gather her “coupons” and pretend to go to Meijer. She is truly a little mommy.

Jacob, what can I say about Jacob? He is extremely smart. He is also extremely stubborn and energetic. For instance, multiple times he has sat at the table for 3 hours because he would not finish his dinner. Two of those times, he did not eat the entire next day until dinnertime because he still refused to eat it. Once he finally decided to give in, it took him 30 seconds to finish. Since the day he was born, we have been trying to guide his energy and stubbornness zeal in the right direction. 

Jake is also a talker. He is constantly asking questions. He has his father's engineer's mind and wants to know how everything works. He drives me nuts! But on the other hand, I'm thrilled that he loves learning. He was speaking in sentences by the time he was a year old and has not stopped. He also has an amazing memory. (He remembers, in detail, things that that happened 3 years ago when he wasn't even 2.) I'm always impressed by the way his mind works and his ability to reason.

All morning, Jake was antagonizing Alyssa. She in turn would shriek at him.  It was a less-than-enjoyable situation. I was reminded though of the nice comments I received from three people at church last night about our kids. When I get so caught up in the day-to-day of life and raising kids, I can forget just how wonderful they really are. Sometimes you "can't see the forest for the trees." I was convicted about this, and of course God tested me throughout the rest of the day. Jake continued to disobey and try my patience. Two minutes after he was punished and finished crying he said, "You're the best mommy." I honestly replied, "And you're the best Jakey."
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1 comment:

  1. This post made me smile and at same time brought tears to my eyes. It's truly a blessing when your children grow up and have children of their own. To see them content and satisfied with what God has blessed them with is one of the many joys of life. Love, Mom
