Thursday, October 11, 2018

Underground Rising

We review all sorts of resources and manipulatives for school. I believe in having many options to keep my little ones learning. But our foundation, the basis of our education is literature. Whether it's fun picture books or engaging fiction or historical biographies, you can be sure there is a fair amount being read in our home every day. While I do believe in the importance of the written word, there are times when it is not feasible to sit down and read a novel. It's times like these that we love to turn on an audio book.

Brinkman Adventures has combined two of our favorite things--audio books and missionary stories--to make a truly entertaining and educational production. My kids fell in love with these stories a few years ago and have listened to dozens of the episodes. They were thrilled to receive the  digital version of Season 6: Underground Rising to add to our collection.

The Brinkman Adventures is an audio drama series and radio show. It's not like a typical audio book that we utilize often as it is not converted from a book, but the episodes weave true missionary stories into the family's adventures to make it a hybrid of sorts. The series was born from a vision to "inspire future missionaries." By combining realistic sound effects, original music, and exciting dialogue, the stories are "movies for the ears." Though the Brinkmans are a fictional family, they are based on and voiced by Ian and Amy Bultman and their 10 children. The drama follows the family across the globe as they hear stories of hiding from the Gestapo in the hole in the floor, eating paper with secret messages, escaping from jail, meeting a prince, experiencing a near-death situation, witnessing a divine healing,  being attacked by a tiger, and the retreating of hundreds of soldiers. They witness to many, see hearts changed, experience heartache, and experience joy.  

You'll find these episodes in season 6:
  • Episode 55: Dutch Underground Part 1
  • Episode 56: Dutch Underground Part 2
  • Episode 57: Twice Born Fly
  • Episode 58: I Wonder Why?
  • Episode 59: Free Burma Rangers Part 1
  • Episode 60: Free Burma Rangers Part 2

You can take the learning to a deeper level passed simply listening to the series. There is an entire section on their site that is filled with the stories behind the stories. You can learn more about metamorphosis, how rove beetles cause rashes, what happens during an allergic reaction, ranger training, and even learn much family history and translate foreign words. There is also a ton more information about the real events and how the writers used things in their own lives for inspiration. There are many pictures and videos that enhance the learning, as well. I, personally, have spent much time soaking up these missionary stories.  

We've listened to this audio while doing chores and for downtime in the house. Each episode is 25 minutes, so they're perfect for squeezing in some audio time. My kids laughed at the silly antics of a monkey and when Charlie swallowed the fly. These amazing accounts are entertaining, for sure, but what makes them even more inspiring is that they are based on modern-day missionary heroes.

The Brinkman Adventures has been a big hit with the whole family. I appreciate that the kids are entertained with wholesome stories, but even more than that, I love that they're learning that there are still true heroes around the globe and that God is still using regular people to change the hearts of a sinful world.

You can connect with the Brinkman Adventures on Facebook and listen to samples of each episode on their website. 

You can read more reviews of these adventures on the Homeschool Review Crew blog.

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