Homeschooling involves so much more than learning book work. It's not just reading, writing, and arithmetic to get a passing grade. I believe in the importance of giving my kids a full education that focuses on not only traditional school subjects, but experiences that will help them throughout life with practical applications.
The Kingdom Code is dedicated to that same life skills mentality. This hands-on program is all about money management and entrepreneurship--for kids! In a day when large sums of debt and needless spending are common, it is vital to teach our children how to handle money. The Complete Starter Kit comes with everything you need to not only help your kids make money at a young age, but also what to do with that money.
The Kingdom Code: Make and Manage Money... God's Way! was created by Jimmie Byler to answer God's call for her life. A combination of her successful businesses, a supportive family, and classroom teaching made this course possible. Its purpose is to "equip students at an early age with money management skills based upon Biblical principals." Jimmie believes it's important for kids to grow their own business to not only understand the joys and challenges that accompany entrepreneurship, but also to learn financial, social, and organizational skills. Wrapped in Biblical truths, this course is filled with many life skills and practical advice.
The Complete Start Kit comes with the following materials:
- Student Textbook
- Student Pack
- Teacher's Guide
The Student Textbook is the actual curriculum of the program. This spiral-bound book has 244 glossy, thick, full-color pages with 800 pictures and images. Throughout the 27 lessons, kids will learn "to build a business, manage money successfully, and develop valuable life skills" all with a gentle study of economics, budgeting, history, math, Bible, and practical thinking. Each lesson follows the same format with 8 main sections:
- Proclamation -- Biblical principle
- Check Your Path -- worksheets
- Quest for the Clue -- introduction to the theme and goals of the lesson
- Code of Honor -- the target skill of the lesson, incorporates a Bible verse
- Treasure Seeking -- practical skills taught through stories, ideas, activities, and other methods
- On Your Own -- activities and projects completed apart from class time
- Kingdom Keys -- review of lesson with 3 key ideas
- Congratulations -- celebratory end of lesson with placing a sticker on the Treasure Map
- Bonus Code Work -- optional projects to supplement the lesson
Each lesson covers many educational elements including essential questions, a learning goal, skills, vocabulary words, review, and enrichment projects. These parts all work together to make a thorough entrepreneurial and money-management program.
The Student Pack has all the consumable pages of the curriculum, including over 100 vocabulary flashcards and a receipt book. There is a worksheet to complement every lesson. Each one follows the same format (Check Your Path, Key to the Lesson, Key Ideas, Key Terms) and fills the front and back of a single page, except for the review lessons which use two sheets. The majority of the exercises are fill-in-the-blank, but a few other types are also woven throughout, such as multiple choice, matching, and crossword puzzles.
Also contained in the Student Pack is a list of activity pages. These pages include things like a business plan, surveys, tips and exercises for means of sale, various planning techniques, business math, ledgers and checkbook examples, and more. These activities are filled with many strategy helps and practical explanations and are designed to give students a working knowledge of these life skills.
The forms and notices section of the Student Pack is where the student will find calendar pages, a sale form, ledger, business permit, income statement, business ideas, and the like. These pages, along with the activity pages, are on thick paper with pictures, images, and pops of color.
One final aspect is a large, glossy map that guides the budding entrepreneur through the curriculum. As a lesson is completed, a sticker from the provided sheet is placed on the corresponding number. The map resembles a real treasure map complete with castles, ships, and even a sea monster. Of course, X marks the spot on the true treasure--the final lesson of the course signifying all the student has learned about managing both a business and money.
The Teacher's Guide makes the curriculum easy to teach because it takes the work out of planning. The guide takes the teacher step-by-step through the lessons with ideas and tips. There is a place for lesson notes, worksheet answers, and additional enrichment suggestions of online videos, games, teaching sites, stories, inspirational things, projects, activities, and more.
The Teacher's Guide also contains directions for setting up the program (with 3-ring binders, tabs, bags), master sheets and forms, feedback cards, assessments and tests, and additional enrichment links.
There are additional supplies you can purchase to enhance the experience, as well. The JR KCK (Kingdom Code Kids) Budget kit is designed to teach kids who are too young for the full program about budgeting. It includes a simplified plan, a handful of coloring pages, and a sticker sheet.
The coloring book is also great for little learners. This 32-page book has many fun medieval pictures of knights, castles, and treasure along with more modern drawings of KCKs and budget coloring sheets. Each page has a Bible verse (various translations) and/or a character quality proclamation.
The kids and I sit together as we work through the lessons. I read the portions in the student book and discuss the ideas with them. The lessons can last anywhere from 30-60 minutes, depending on how much our conversation twists and turns with the topics. They each fill out their worksheets during this time. Any activities vary between completing by self and completing together as a group.
The book is divided in short sections, making it both easy-to-follow and non-overwhelming. There are charts, graphs, and plenty of pictures to help visual learners. There are many Bible verse sprinkled throughout the pages. Many different versions are used, so we choose to take turns looking up the passages in our own Bibles.
Though the curriculum is geared toward a younger crowd, we have been able to easily adapt the suggestions for our family. No, I don't require my 13-year-old to stand and shout the proclamations or insist the kids play some of the more juvenile games, but the vast majority of the program is applicable and beneficial for any age. Our favorite parts are the additional enrichment ideas. In fact, my kids still talk about a video we watched many weeks ago about free enterprise. We also like to quiz each other with the flashcards.
The book focuses on services businesses, but both of my kids are interested in goods businesses (sewing and 3D printing). Some of the aspects we've had to be flexible with, but over all, the instruction is relevant.
There are so many valuable skills taught through this curriculum. I could never list them all, but here are a few of the big ones:
- Budgeting
- Contentment
- Giving
- Work Ethic
- Self-Confidence
- Problem Solving
- Communication Skills
- Economics
- Organization
- Character
I have been very impressed with The Kingdom Code and all that is taught through this curriculum. Teaching kids a strong work ethic and money management skills are incredibly important, but this program prepares kids for much more than those. Even if your child isn't showing interest in entrepreneurship now, The Complete Starter Kit is still a valuable resource for many life skills.
If you'd like to take a closer look at the curriculum you can sign up for free lesson samples on their site and let them know we sent you! Also, you can save 10% off all Kingdom Code products using my coupon code 10TKC11.
Have fun making and managing money God's way!
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You can read more reviews and see what other businesses kids have created on the Homeschool Review Crew blog.

We are glad that your family has enjoyed The Kingdom Code! Sewing and 3D printing are very good business ideas. Keep us updated on their progress through the program and as they start their businesses.