Friday, July 6, 2018

Things That Make Me Smile 5/11/18

Jake (12), Alyssa (10), Zac (8 1/2), Tyler (6), Nicholas (3)

Happy Friday! Here's our list, but what made you Smile this week? Leave us a comment letting us know! 

1. Alyssa: ". . . and you're shorter."
Nicholas: "I not Shorter; I Nicky!"

2. Nicholas calling his knee his "leg elbow."

3. Nicholas: "'Matoes are my favorites! And cucumbers. And carrots."


5. Nicholas calling pears "parrots."

6. The message Jake left for me during school one day.

7. Nicholas, in the bathtub, pointing to all the cuts and scrapes on his legs from playing outside: "I want you wash these away."

8. Zac, because I mentioned something about the animal: "A liger. It's when a male lion marries a female tiger."

9. Nicholas, yelling at a bird: "Hey, you! Get off the bird feeders! Dat for squirrels!"
Because normally we see this:

10. Nicholas, because he accidentally walked into the running sprinkler and got wet, pouting: "Now I'm sprinkled."

11. Jake, discussing Shakespeare: "I know Romeo and Juliet. Oh, and Hamlet. Is that about a little pig?"

 What made you Smile this week?

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