Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Friday, October 9, 2020

Things That Make Me Smile 5/8/20

Jake (14), Alyssa (12), Zac (10), Tyler (8), Nicholas (5)

Happy Friday! These Smiles took place back in May. We played games with friends through FaceTiming, we were blessed by God in many little ways, and Nicholas learned to ride his bike without training wheels. Leighton also went back to work after 6 weeks home with us. We loved having him home every day, but it was good to see people going back to work and quarantine coming to an end.     

1. Nicholas, after searching the whole house: "Mama, do you know where Dad is?"
Me: "He's at work."
Nicholas, sad: "Oh."
We enjoyed having Leighton home with us so much that even though he had been back to work for a week, the kids were still looking for him and missing him.

2. Me: "Did you know I love you?"
Nicholas: "Yeah, and Miss Megan."
Me: "Miss Megan loves you?"
Nicholas: "Yeah."
Me: "You're right, she does."
Nicholas: "Yeah, and God. God loves me the most."

3. I was teaching about firemen using the Focus on Fives kindergarten curriculum from BJU Press. I asked, "Do you know what to do if you're on fire, like if your clothes catch on fire?" (stop, drop, and roll.) Nicholas replied, "Call your daddy!"

4. Tyler, after climbing across a fallen tree at the park: "That was epic! I went from the bottom of the tree to the top!"

5. We spent the day exploring at the park.

6. Our friend: "What's your middle name?"
Nicholas: "You mean my in trouble name?"

7. Alyssa, my avid reader, after hearing that little free libraries encourage reading, shocked: "What! They need to encourage reading?!" 

8. Nicholas, because I got into Leighton's profile on the computer: "How did you know that?"
Me: "Because Daddy and I tell each other things."
Nicholas: "Like passwords and stuff?"
Me: "Yes. What else do you think we tell each other?"
Nicholas: "That you love each other!"

What made you Smile this week?

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Friday, September 18, 2020

Things That Make Me Smile 4/24/20

Jake (14), Alyssa (12), Zac (10), Tyler (8), Nicholas (5)

Happy Friday! This week we laughed a lot while practicing trick shots and recreating baby pictures, enjoyed our April Christmas Experience with a smorgasbord ice cream sundae bar at home, and Jake entered a coding contest with hundreds of kids and placed in the top few.

1. Documentary about the ocean: "Cuttlefish are very dangerous."
Tyler: "But . . . they cuddle!"

2. Alyssa, about a contest: "If I do win, I'm going to set aside my tithe and then use the rest of the money to buy fabric for a quilt."

3. Nicholas, circling T words on a worksheet, seeing a turkey: "Mmmmmeat. Mmm Mmmeat. Nope."

4.  Nicholas, about Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes: "I want to go back to the sandy desert."

5. Alyssa sewed a sock bunny.

6. Nicholas, about a  Pirates of the Caribbean Lego set: "Jake, you know your Pirates Carabiner guy?"

7. Nicholas: "Oh, no! I swallowed my gum!"

Me: "Well, that’s not good. You’re not supposed to do that."
Nicholas: " I didn’t! My throat did it. Sometimes it tries to get my gum and I have to save it. Sometimes I miss though."

8. Alyssa, laughing: "Mom warned me, but I didn't listen!"
Jake: "Do you know how many times that has applied to my life?"

9. Alyssa: "I used to think Siamese cats were connected, like people. That would be cool. Two cats for the price of one!"

10. Nicholas, putting his cheek to my face, like he was checking for a fever: "You have a cold."
Me, perfectly healthy: "Do I?"
Nicholas: "No, you have a warm."

11. Nicholas didn't want to clean up his Legos that were all over the living room floor, so I jokingly asked if he wanted to trade jobs and clean the kitchen for me instead. That excited him. I cleaned up the toys, fully expecting to finish off the kitchen afterward. But he washed the dishes, wiped down the table and counters, and even swept. All by himself! He was almost as proud of himself as I was.

12. Tyler, solving a riddle in his math book: "What is light as a feather, but you cannot hold? It's supposed to be your breath, but you can hold your breath."

13. Me, from the kitchen: "Tyler, don't be disgusting."
Tyler, laughing: "Who told you?"
Me: "No one. I'm a mom; I know things."
Tyler: "Ok, where am I?"
Me: "In the living room."
Tyler: "What am I sitting on?"
Me: "Your blanket."
Tyler: "Aah! Ok, what was the last word I said?"
Me: "Said."
Tyler: "Aah!! Man! You're good!"

What made you Smile this week?

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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Things That Make Me Smile 4/10/20

* This post may contain affiliate links.

Jake (14), Alyssa (12), Zac (10), Tyler (8), Nicholas (5)

Happy weekend! It's hard to believe these Smiles were from 4 months ago. Time goes by so fast! This week, we made many batches of granola, fermented sauerkraut for the first time, and played a fun new game for Game Schooling. Jake built an owl nesting box by himself, and the other kids completed some hands-on projects. I love seeing my kids use their talents!

1. Tyler, playing a game: "A giraffe mixed with an elephant? That would be horrifying!"

2. Alyssa: "He wasn't born yet?"
Jake, confused: "He was in Borneo?"

3. Tyler: "Mom, why do we have only two?"
Me: "Two what?"
Tyler: "Bathrooms."
Me: "How many do we need?"
Tyler: "I don't know! Fifteen?"

4. Zac: "Mom, geodes are so cool. They look kinda ugly on the outside, but you break them open and they're beautiful on the inside. It's like people; you can't judge them by what they look like."

5. Me, explaining a picture from a couple years ago to Nicholas: "We were getting ready to go to church."
Alyssa: "Ah, getting ready to go to church. I miss it."

6. Nicky studying Algebra II.

7. Nicholas calling Cragger from Lego Chima Cracker.

8. Jake, feigning surprise after I told him he couldn't do something he knew he wouldn't be allowed to: "But you said I could!"
Me, laughing: "Because I knew Dad would overrule me."
Alyssa, playfully: "He can't do that!"
Me: "Of course he can. Who's in charge of this family?"
Alyssa: "Technically, you two are one."
Me: "That's true. But when there's a dispute, who gets the final say?"
Jake, raising his hand: "Ooh, pick me! Pick me!"
Zac: "Who do you pick?"
Me: "Dad!"
Zac: "Then who?"
Me: "Me."
Zac: "Which one of us do you pick to be in charge?"
Me: "Hmm . . . Nicky."
Nicholas, laughing maniacally, pointing to Jake: "Mop the floor!!"
Jake gets up, flips Nicholas upside down, and "mops" the floor with his hair.

9. Alyssa dried flowers from our yard, laminated them, and made bookmarks and then braided bracelets. She sent the goodies to her friends to let them know she missed them.

10. Nicholas, climbing all over Jake: "You smell like . . . nothing!"

11. Zac, reading facts about polar bears and fennec foxes: "It's pretty amazing how God made every animal to have exactly what they need to survive."

12. Nicholas, watching me wash a mirror: "It's a miracle! That's perfect!"

13. Nicholas, in the middle of the night: "Daddy, will you shorten the light?"
Me: "Daddy's sleeping, sweetie pie. What do you need?"
Nicholas: "Will you shorten the light?"
Me: "I'm sorry, I don't understand."
Nicholas: "I need to go potty and the light is too bright."
Me: "Oh! You want me to dim the light!"

What made you Smile this week?

* Some of the links in the content above are affiliate links. If you click on a link and purchase an item, I may receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I recommend products or services that I have used personally and all the text and opinions are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 225.

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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Things That Make Me Smile 4/3/20

Jake (14), Alyssa (12), Zac (10), Tyler (8), Nicholas (5)

This lists covers two very busy weeks of Smiles. We celebrated two birthdays (Alyssa turning 12 and Tyler turning 8), played games, assembled puzzles, had our pizza and movie marathon as part of our Experience Christmas, got some yard work done, completed a family quarantine bingo challenge with our church youth group, roasted hot dogs and marshmallows over the fire, built a fort in the living room, went on family walks, performed science experiments, baked muffins, read books, and created more memories. I love this family of mine!

1. Nicholas: "It's a good day to play outside. It's shiny and stuff!"

2. Tyler, chewing gum: "I haven't had this in so long. I love it so much that I want to chew my teeth off!"


4. Nicholas: "I smell pink."
Me: "And what exactly does pink smell like?"
Nicholas: "Bubblegum!"

5. Tyler, about the arm-knitted blanket on my bed: "Did Alyssa make this?"
Me: "Yes."
Tyler: "Wow! How did she get that kind of skill?!"

6. Alyssa was excited to receive a quill and ink for her birthday.

7. Nicholas, because he didn't want to see something: "I'm just going to plug my eyes."

8. I walked into the kitchen first thing in the morning to find Jake at the cutting board with an apple. His hand was wrapped in a blood-saturated paper towel A bloody knife was sitting on the counter. "What did you do?!" I asked. And then he smile. That's when I remembered it was April Fool's Day.

9. Tyler had a mint Oreo ice cream cake (with trick candles, ha) for his birthday.

10. Nicholas, telling me about his dream: "And then I said, 'Don't patro-nose me."
Me: "Patronize? Did you just use patronize?"
Nicholas: "Yeah, patron-eyes."

11. Nicholas, looking at the number 69: "Look. It's the two 6s. The up one and the down one."

What made you Smile this week?

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Saturday, March 7, 2020

Things That Make Me Smile 3/6/20

Jake (14), Alyssa 11 1/2), Za (10), Tyler (7 1/2), Nick (5)

Happy weekend! This week we helped sort food for hungry families at Gleaner Food Bank, celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday, attended a surprise birthday party for a dear friend, performed many science experiments and started a new family read aloud. Leighton and Zac were also able to go to a Red Wings hockey game provided by his company. It's been a busy week with many reasons to Smile!

1. Alyssa, holding her library card: "This dinky thing here is acceptance into the Land of Knowledge."

2. Alyssa: "How old is she turning?"
Me: "Twenty-seven."
Nick: "Seven? I thought she was higher than that!"

3. Alyssa: "Is it just me or are my ears buzzing?"


5. When we were at the store, there was a newborn baby that was fussing and I chuckled and commented on how adorable it was. 
Jake: "I think it's really weird that you find humor in the discomfort of babies."

6. Nicholas, seeing just the top of a pine tree over the church building: "Whoa! How did a tree grow up there?!"

7. Alyssa: "Can I watch something?"
Me: "Yes, but you're not going to watch all night long."
Alyssa: "Ok, I was just going to pick The Sound of Music."
Me: "The Sound of Music? Ok."
Jake, laughing: "You don't want to be watching all night long, but you pick The Sound of Music?"
Me: "Well, yeah, it's The Sound of Music!"

8. Tyler, showing me a creation he made: "This means that you love Daddy and you will never leave him. You're connected to him."

9. Me: "Tyler and Nicholas, you need to clean up the living room."
Nick: "Serendipitous!"
Zac: "That was unexpected but enjoyable?"

10. Relating the personalities of our family to Dr. Seuss books. 

11. Jake: "I'm going to make my own gun and call it a doodle-doo."
Me, laughing: "A doodle-doo?"
Jake: "Yeah. Then I can cock a doodle-doo."

What made you Smile this week?

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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Relating to Seuss

* This post may contain affiliate links.

Yesterday was Dr. Seuss' birthday! Our family looks forward to this day every year. Sometimes we create Seuss-themed crafts, most times we make green eggs and ham, and every time we spend the day in a reading marathon. Seuss published over 60 books, and we own the majority of them. I love his writing style. It's a combination of silly and whimsical with made-up words and animals off-set by deep concepts that are written for the littlest learners to comprehend. 

My kids love reading the Who Was Dr. Seuss? book and sharing details of his life that they've learned. Do you know which book was written because of a bet from his editor? Or which one was in reference to the Cold War? Or do you know which book and character were fashioned after Adolf Hitler? Many of this writings have more meaning than simple rhyming words like hop on pop for early readers. 

Nine years ago, I listed some of our favorite Dr. Seuss books and quotes. I also attributed a story to each of my kiddos. Of course, the kids are older now, and we've also added a couple to our family. It's time to relate a story to each of them again!  

The book I choose for Jake is The Rabbit, the Bear, and the Zinniga-Zanniga. It is a forgotten tale found in The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories. In it, a little rabbit is about to become a big bear's dinner when he uses his quick thinking to outsmart the beast. It starts with a simple missing eyelash and swiftly escalates to a crooked head, a sore throat, a broken backbone, and more. The bear becomes terrified of dying from this missing eyelash ailment and eagerly obeys the rabbit's medical advice, leaving the wily creature free to escape with his life. 
"Unless I think terribly, terribly fast . . . I've got to be smart! Got to think of some trick! And that little old rabbit, he thought mighty quick!"
Jake is my quick-witted, philosopher, clever child. He is able to choose his words to manipulate situations, both to get his way and just for fun. When he tries it with me though, I often remind him that he came by that thinking naturally and can usually anticipate what is swirling around in his head. His mental ingenuity has the ability to frustrate yet impress me at the same time.

Alyssa's book is easily I can Read with My Eyes Shut! She is my bibliophile and is often found deep in a book. In this story, the Cat in the Hat explains just how much you can learn by reading. Bees. Hoses. Anchors. Wishbones. Foo-Foo the Snoo. Ice. Glad. And much more, too. 
And when I keep them open I can read with much more speed. You have to be a speedy reader 'cause there's so, so much to read!
That perfectly describes my girl who reads stacks of books each week.

Anyone who knows my Zachary knows that he is a loving, compassionate child. Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose is my book for him.  Thidwick is a moose who allowed a tiny Bingle Bug to hitch a ride on his antlers. As he traveled the countryside eating moose moss, more and more creatures took advantage of his hospitality. A spider, many birds, a family of squirrels, a bobcat and turtle, a fox, mice, fleas, and a bear all made their residence in his roomy antlers. The burden was cumbersome and cost him much, yet he continued to show kindness.   
"Of course not!" Smiled Thidwick, the Big-Hearted Moose. "I'm happy my antlers can be of some use. There's room there to spare, and I'm happy to share! Be my guest and I hope that you're comfortable there!"
Just like the moose, Zac lives a life of benevolence. He is always thinking of others and going out of his way to bless people, even when it comes at a cost to him. He is a people-pleaser and a problem-solver whose big heart can be hurt when people take advantage of him, but ultimately is full when he demonstrates his generosity. 

If this would have been a few years ago, I wouldn't hesitate to say that The Cat in the Hat was absolutely Tyler. The antics of the Cat--always getting into mischief, always causing trouble, always doing what he shouldn't and always with a smile--was Tyler as a toddler. I could write a book on the shenanigans he caused, but he has since outgrown that stage. Mostly. 

Instead, I decided on If I Ran the Circus. The book relates Morris McGurk's dream of creating a circus. His plans include acrobats and jugglers and clowns, of course, but also horn-tooting apes, the Remarkable Foon who eats sizzling pebbles that fall off the moon, a Blindfolded Bowman from Brigger-ba-Root, a Jott who juggles 22 question marks and 44 commas and 1 dot, a Flummox, a Harp-Twanging Snarp, and 5 layers of To-an-Fro Marchers. Page after page, the Circus McGurkus gets bigger and better with "wild ruckus-ing."
"But that's just my Side Show. A start. A beginning. This way to the Big Tent! You'll find your head spinning."
Tyler is my inventor. He loves to create elaborate designs--on paper, with Lego, using odds and ends from around the house. He draws detailed doughnut machines where the treats follow conveyor belts to be drizzled with chocolate or glaze or sprinkled just right. He builds all sorts of Rube Goldberg-type of machines where one feature triggers something new. His mind is filled with complicated feats, but then he creates and designs and constructs them into existence. In fact, he showed me his latest fabrication as I was typing this. If he ever decides to create "The World's Greatest Show on the face of the earth," you can be sure he'll bring it to life.  

Nick's book is Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? This was probably my favorite Seuss book growing up. I loved all the silly sounds and melodious rhymes. It's such a fun book to read to little ones.
Oh, the wonderful things Mr. Brown can do! Moo Moo Buzz Buzz Pop Pop Pop Eek Eek Hoo Hoo Klopp Klopp Klopp Dibble Dibble Dopp Dopp Cock-a-doodle-doo Mr. Brown can do it. How about you?
Nick is my performer. He loves to be in the spotlight and often calls for my attention as he lip syncs and dances along with songs, complete with dramatic faces and mannerisms. He spends his days singing--literally all day long--and makes silly sounds. Maybe one day he'll follow Mr. Brown's example and become a voice actor.  

I had originally planned to choose books for only the kids, but when I saw Oh, the Places You'll Go!, I immediately thought of Leighton. The book is a popular choice for gifting to graduates because it talks about possibilities. The chance to see great things, accomplish worthy tasks, and go amazing places. Sometimes, hard times will come and you'll make mistakes. That's life. Pick yourself up, work hard, and you'll succeed.
You have brains in your head.You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.
Many people know that Leighton had a difficult childhood. He experienced things that no child should ever have to, yet he didn't let those circumstances break him. He is an intelligent man with many talents. I often say that there is nothing he can't do. He seized the opportunities he came across and has been successful in many ways. He used those brains in his head and decided where to go. And he chose wisely.

Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? is my book. It describes example after example of someone whose life is worse than the next. Be thankful that you don't have to work on the Bunglebung Bridge or that you didn't take your Throm-dim-bu-lator apart or that you're not like Mr. Bix who has every day his Borfin to fix. Be glad that you haven't spent 32 years trying to teach Irish ducks to read Jivvanese  or that you can produce a shadow because nothing is wrong with your Gizz and that you don't live in France by the pants-eating-plants. Each situation is crazy and impossible and depressing (though humorously told).
When you think things are bad, when you feel sour and blue, when you start to get mad . . . you should do what I do! . . . Don't grumble! Don't stew! Some critters are much-much, oh, ever so much-much, so muchly much-much more unlucky than you! 
Did I ever tell you how lucky I am? I truly have nothing to complain about. God has blessed my life abundantly. And when situations happen that don't align with my personal plan, God is still good. He loves and provides and protects. He's given me so much. And to top it all off, I know I'll never have to worry about having a tail that is filled with unsolvable knots like the Crumple-horn, Web-footed, Green-bearded Schlottz!

And that's our family through Dr. Seuss!

Do you love Dr. Seuss like we do? What is your favorite book?

* Some of the links in the content above are affiliate links. If you click on a link and purchase an item, I may receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I recommend products or services that I have used personally and all the text and opinions are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 225.

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Friday, February 28, 2020

Things That Make Me Smile 2/28/20

Jake (14), Alyssa (11 1/2), Zac (10), Tyler (7 1/2), Nick (5)

I posted a Things That Make Me Smile list consistently every Friday for many years. Every now and then, I'd miss a week but was always able to catch up right away. 

Then something happened and I got behind. Really behind. One week turned into two; two turned into a month. And now here we are with over a year of unpublished laughs. 

My purpose in sharing these is two-fold: to share the funny things my kids say, and, more importantly, to preserve these memories for our family. While I have  kept track of many things, there have been many more that I've forgotten. Quotes, jokes, sweet words, and special moments have been erased from our memories. I let the amount of work it would require to catch up discourage me from being truly present in all my moments with my kids, looking and listening for those precious reminders of my abundant blessings and writing them down. 

I've lamented that I would never get caught up. Then Leighton--always encouraging, always supportive--had a suggestion. Why don't you forget about catching up for now and just pick up this week. Start posting the current week again. 

He is a wise man. And while it's taken me a couple months to heed his advice, ahem, I'm starting that today. Here's to appreciating little things and recording more memories.

1. Nick, playing with Legos: "Mama! I made a portal!"
Me: "Cool! Where is it gonna take you?"
Nick: "To you!"

2. Me: "So, your mom kinda knows how to cook, huh?"
Ayssa, shocked: "Understatement of the year! No--understatement of the century!"
Me: "Wow, that's saying something."
Alyssa: "I couldn't say year, it's only February."

3. Me, to Jake: "I want to make sure your brother and sister stay alive."
Nick: "Me?! I'm already alive."

4. Nick made a chiropractor out of Duplo and asked, "Who needs getting adjusted?"

5. Nick, staring at an image of a person on the computer: "I'm having a staring contest with him! He's winning."

6. Alyssa: ". . . Come on! Let's go try it!"
Me: "Are you guys trying to give me a heart attack?"
Jake: "Mom, the simple way to avoid that . . . is to make sure you don't know when we do these things."

7. Alyssa started learning calligraphy

8. Me: ". . . biscuits and gravy."
Nick: "And eggs! You always forget the eggs."
Me: "Eggs, of course. I'm sorry."
Nick: "You need to write it down on paper so you don't forget. Every time you talk to Daddy, if there's a paper in your pocket, check what it says."

9. We spent the day at the hands-on museum. 

10. Nick: "Can I ride my bike?"
Me: No. It's not even bike-riding weather."
Nick: "What? Bike-riding weather?! That's not even a thing!"

11. Me: "Who left this here?"
Alyssa: "Probably Zac."
Me: "I'm going with Nicky."
Nick, innocently: "You're going with me where? You're going with me where, Mama?"

12. Nick: "You know how much I love you? A 0 and a 0 and a 1!"
Me: "In that order?"
Nick: "100!!!"

What made you Smile this week?

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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Fun Family Chess

*This post may contain affiliate links.

Today's review is a fun one! My oldest child has been playing chess since he was around 6-year-old. My dad is very skilled at the game and plays whenever he can. I have many memories growing up watching my dad and uncles focused on a match. I was pleased not only when my father started teaching my son, but even more so when my boy grasped the concepts quickly. He fell in love with the strategy and soon started playing with anyone who would agree to it.

Seven years have passed, and though he has helped his younger siblings learn the art of chess, none of them can match his skill. Every now and then he can convince one to play with him, but most of the time the others get discouraged because of their lack of expertise. They need something to level the playing field. That's why I knew that Fun Family Chess from Brain Blox would be the perfect tool to help them gain confidence in playing their big brother.

The chess set comes with all of the following:
  • 15-inch wooden chess board
  • 32 solid wood chess pieces
  • 1 wooden chess cube
  • 2 reference cards
  • full-color instruction book

The chess board folds in half for easy storage and latches on the outside to keep it closed. The inside is lined with soft velvet and has enough space to hold all of the other materials. Since this set was specifically designed to teach kids how to play the game, the board has icons on the edges to show where each piece starts.

The chess pieces come in white and brown. The pieces are well-made, lightweight, and the perfect size for little hands. They each have a thin felt bottom to protect the board. Two velvet bags are included to hold and protect the pieces inside the board box. They are not the fanciest chess pieces I have ever seen--and they could be a bit heavier as they fall over easily--but they are nice, especially considering the price of the set.

Of course, you can use the set for traditional chess, but Fun Family Chess is a great way to teach kids (or anyone, really) how to play the game. Trying to remember how the pieces move and attempt strategy at the same time can be overwhelming. Not to mention, chess is a mind game that requires you to think ahead. The wooden cube eliminates all those issues for the new learner. The lightweight, nearly 1-inch cube has a symbol for each piece (other than the king) on a side with the sixth side showing a star. A player rolls the die and moves a matching piece on the board. If he cannot move that piece, he can roll again. The star means that the player can choose any piece to move. This is a gentle introduction to the game as it teaches the movements and basic concept but makes it fun. A person might be an amazing chess player, but if he doesn't roll what he needs, it won't matter. There is a little decision making involved, but for the most part, the game levels the playing field for all participants.

The heavy duty reference cards are colorful 8.5" x 5.75" cards on cardboard. Each card lists the rules of Fun Family Chess along with descriptions and visuals of each piece's movement. It's color-coded to match the colors of the wooden cube (though the colors are slightly off) to make it easy to find the coordinating movements. There is one card for each player. 

The full-color instruction book is just over 10 glossy pages. Along with many graphics and images, it contains information on setting up the game, how to play Fun Family Chess, an introduction to standard chess, and tips and strategies. It includes moves such as pawn promotion, en passant, and castling. Those are all things I learned from my son because my dad had taught him years ago, but otherwise I would have had no idea until now. This little booklet is filled with helpful information.

My kids were thrilled to receive their first wooden chess set! They love everything about it from the folding board to the variation of game-play to the bags for the pieces. My oldest (13 yr) hasn't been too interested in playing Fun Family Chess as he rather enjoys the strategy of the traditional game, but he has used the set to play multiple games against his siblings and friends.

The younger kids (11, 9, 7, 4 yr), however, have spent hours playing this new version--together and even by themselves! I have enjoyed watching them play and laugh. The littlest one is learning how each piece moves and loves playing with the others. It's pretty special not only to watch how patient they are with him, but also how quickly he's picking up the concepts because of this teaching method. I'm sure it won't be long until he's beating me at the game!

Brain Blox has done a fantastic job creating a way to teach little ones the basic concepts and giving them a love of the game. Fun Family Chess truly is "chess made fun for everyone."

Make sure to read our review of Brain Blox Wooden Building Planks! These simple planks are so much more than a toy. Engineering, critical thinking, problem-solving, and spatial awareness are just a few of the skills your kids will learn with these. They're a favorite in our home!

You can connect with Brain Blox on the following social media sites:m

You can read more reviews of this chess set on the Homeschool Review Crew blog.

Fun Family Chess {Brain Blox Reviews}
* Some of the links in the content above are affiliate links. If you click on a link and purchase an item, I may receive an
affiliate commission. Regardless, I recommend products or services that I have used personally and all the text and opinions are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 225.

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Monday, July 29, 2019

Things That Make Me Smile 11/18

Jake (12 1/2), Alyssa (10 1/2), Zac (9), Tyler (6 1/2), Nicholas (3 1/2)

I am determined to get caught up on my Smiles once and for all! I've noticed that I haven't been recording things my kids say much at all anymore because I am so far behind. We can't have that! So here is all of our Smiles from November of last year (or at least the ones I made sure to record).  

1. Nicholas, looking at a shark: "Aww, that's cute."
Tyler: "Never say a shark is cute unless it's a baby shark."

2. Zac: "That was the best dinner I've had since yesterday!"

3. We celebrated Zac's 9th birthday. I took him out for his special day the week before and then showed him our love on his birthday with pancakes with chocolate gravy for breakfast, a new LEGO set, and a homemade peanut butter cup cake.

4. Nicholas, calling to me as I was walking away: "Wait for me, fweetheart!"

5. Alyssa, listening to "I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy" when it said down in my heart to stay: "I used to think it was down in my heart Tuesday."

6. Nicholas, holding the straps of his snow pants: "Now I can be a farmer!"

7. We also celebrated Leighton's birthday with LEGO presents and a homemade strawberries & cream cake.

8. Nicholas, to Alyssa, sweetly: "Hi, darling."

9. Jake: "Do you like hard or soft tacos?"
Nicholas: "Fuzzy."

10. We walked down to the school and voted in the election as a family.

11. We celebrated Thanksgiving with our family and made pumpkin, eggnog cream, and dutch apple pies.

12. Nicholas, about our monthly science class: "Somebody had robots there."
Me: "That was Miss Rachel."
Nicholas: "Yes, Miss Rachel! I love that name."

13. Leighton: "They're driving on the shoulder."
Tyler, confused: "How do you drive with your shoulder?"

13. Thankful for my blessings.

What made you Smile?

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Saturday, June 1, 2019

30 Days of Playing

I participated in a challenge years ago to play with my kids every day in the month of June. Since I just shared that my Word of the Year for 2019 is play, I knew that revisiting this challenge would be perfect! 

I explained that even though my kids are with me all the time, I don't always participate in their playtime. Even with our experiments and activities, I'm always right there snapping pictures and relishing in their joy, but I don't always join in on the fun myself.

This year I'm working to change that!

I've been making quality playtime with my kids a priority this year, but the month of June I'm making it a daily fundamental.   

I'm challenging myself to dedicate time daily to playing with them. Not just watching them. Not just being near them. Not just taking pictures to remember the excitement. I pledge to actively participate in the fun!

Last time. the challenge was to play for 30 minutes a day for 30 days. I'm not focused so much on the length each day, as hitting that half-hour mark is easy to do. I certainly don't want to be distracted by keeping tabs on the countdown. And, honestly, kids will notice that dedication to daily playing even if it is just 15 minutes. 

So, what do you say? Do you want to join me in this challenge of playing with your kids? You don't have to be a slave to their favorite toy day after day. Take the initiative and ask them to play with you! Teach them a game from your childhood or learn a new one together.

Let's make June an opportunity to invest quality times of fun with our kids!

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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Word of the Year: 2019

Choosing a Word of the Year is always an exciting time for me. That one little word becomes my goal for the next 365 days as I strive to weave its importance into my life. It might be something that is specifically directed towards myself like with purge, something that focuses on our family as a whole like with teach, or even something that is based on others like last year's give.  

Along with that excitement though comes a tinge of apprehension. This single word is a reminder of what I need in my life. While there is the thrill of a new challenge, there is also some embarrassment that accompanies it. Just like looking into a mirror shows you all your physical flaws, my word for each year is a reflection of my life. I don't choose this word casually, but instead pray about it for weeks and allow God to show me where He wants me to change.    

The word for this year came as no surprise to me.


play, verb

  1. to use any exercise for pleasure or recreation
  2. to do something not as a task or for profit, but for amusement

When it comes to the story of Mary and Martha in the end of Luke chapter 10, I relate to Martha. That drive to work, to accomplish a task, to serve your family--that speaks to me. I want my kids to have a strong work ethic and understand that work comes before play.

But far too often, I let the constant work of caring for a family overshadow the importance of my personal recreation. Managing a home, nurturing a handful of children, and home educating along with church involvements and other responsibilities fill my days. Clutter is a stress trigger for me. If I'm not careful, I am prone to let my duties keep me from truly playing with my children.

When my first couple kids were born, I spent countless hours playing with them daily. Then another was born. We started homeschooling. Days were filled with teaching and training, Make It Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Theory Thursday, Smiles on Fridays. And then another baby. Now that we have 5 children, they each have plenty of playmates to keep them interested.

And I have much to keep me busy. Blogging, my hobby and record-keeping of sorts, has taken a very distant backseat to my other responsibilities. My days are based around serving, not leisure. I tend to justify my lack of playing because my kids are with me nearly every second of every day. They help while I'm cooking, they're playing next to me while I'm folding laundry, they do school with me, they read with me. We eat meals together always. We go on family outings often. They have my attention all day.

But I need to be intentional in playing with them.

Oh, it's not that I never play with them. It's that I need to make it more of a priority. It's finding the balance of determining which chores need to be done now and which can wait 30 minutes so I can play a game with my kids. It's teaching my children that responsibilities are important and work needs to be completed, but that they also need to make time for quality recreation.

We are halfway through this year, and though I am just now finishing up this post that I started many months ago, I have been applying this word to my actions. In fact, I've tried multiple times to type this but stopped because a child asked me to help him build with Lego or play a game.

I've never liked the saying "It will be there tomorrow" referring to dirty dishes in a sink or a pile of laundry on the couch implying that playing with your kids is of utmost importance. Yes, those dishes will still be there--along with many others. God doesn't want us to ignore responsibility. But he also doesn't want us to be "cumbered about much serving" or "troubled about many things."

The last 6 months I've been more intentional in saying yes to playing.

I've been more deliberate to be like Mary, but instead of sitting at the feet of Jesus, I'm sitting on the floor with my kids. I'm taking more time, not for task or profit, but enjoyment and pleasure.

Play. That's my "good part" and my focus this year.

I initiated a challenge in the month of June to play with my kids! You can read all about it and join in the fun of 30 Days of Playing.

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Friday, October 26, 2018

Things That Make Me Smile 7/13/18

Jake (12 1/2), Alyssa (10), Zac (8 1/2), Tyler (6), Nicholas (3 1/2)

Happy Friday! This week, Alyssa was away at junior camp with our church. The boys filled their days with bubble blowing, slip-n-slide splashing, birthday party going, and extra rambunctious-crazy-wrestling-bouncing-boy-fun.

1. Nicholas, eating a plum: "I call dis a yum ball!"

2. Alyssa, first thing after waking up the day she left for camp, since Leighton was at work: "I miss Dad already."


4. Nicholas, after Alyssa left for junior camp: "Mom, we need Lyssa! There are tigers at the camp!"

5. Tyler: "Mommy, I love you."
Me: "I love you, Ty-Ty."
Tyler: "I don't know how many times I say I love you to you."
Me: "Neither do I, but I like it."
Tyler: "I say it all the time, because I like you."

6. Zac's note for Nicholas.

7. Leighton designed and built a new table and benches for our kitchen. It fits our space so much better. I love it for many reasons, but most of all because he made it for me. I wrote a silly poem about our old one. Even though I am glad it's gone, I appreciated having it all those years.

8. Tyler: "What is that?"
Me: "Spinach noodles."
Nicholas, shocked: "No, those are carbs!"
Me: "It's ok. Just Daddy and I are not eating a lot of carbs right now."
Nicholas: "Oh. Can I have some carbs, please?"

9. I quickly spread Babybel cheese on crackers and broke some of them.
Nicholas, frustrated, pointing: "Mom, why did you do that? And that and that and that?"
Me, sarcastically: "I'm sorry I didn't spread that up to your standards."
Nicholas, agreeing: "I'm sorry too."

What made you Smile this week?

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Monday, October 8, 2018

Things That Make Me Smile 6/29/18

Jake (12 1/2), Alyssa (10), Zac (8 1/2), Tyler (6), Nicholas (3 1/2)

Happy Monday! I'm still working on catching up on Smile lists, so it's been fun remembering the laughs we had a few month ago. But what about you? Did you have a funny situation or quote recently? We'd love to laugh with you!

1. Nicholas was eating slices of pepperoni and then found salami in the refrigerator. "Is this the daddy one?"

2. Zac, to me: "Good night, my Beautiful."

3. The kids love playing with the animals on my brother's farm.

4. The kids were all having a sleep over in the same room. They were supposed to be sleeping because it was late, but there was a lot of giggling and talking still going on. As I walked closer to the room, I could hear them all singing:
"I'm all wrapped up. I'm all tied up. I'm all tangled up in Jesus. I'm all wrapped up. I'm all tied up. I'm all tangled up in God."

5. Nicholas was telling me the best friends of each family member.
Me: "Who is your friend?"
Nicholas: "I don't have a fwiend."
Me: "Can Mama be your friend?"
Nicholas: "No! You are not a kid!"

6. Nicholas, hugging my neck and kissing my cheek: "I love you. You a sweet boy."

7. Picnic dinner and geocaching fun at the park.

8. Nicholas: "One, two, free, five, six, seben, eight, nine, ten!"
Me: "Good job! But what happened to four?"
Nicholas: "We don't need four."

What made you Smile this week?

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Monday, September 24, 2018

Things That Make Me Smile 6/15/18

Jake (12 1/2), Alyssa (10), Zac (8 1/2), Tyler (6), Nicholas (3 1/2)

I've been trying to get this list posted for weeks. Have I mentioned life is busy?

This week, Nicholas turned 3 1/2, we made cinnamon and sugar doughnuts, the kids went to science classes taught by a friend of ours with our Parks & Recs program, and we spent a lot of time reading together. 

1. Tyler, coming in the kitchen while I was making dinner: "Mmm, it smells so good! If I don't like this, I'm going to be surprised."

2. Nicholas, while completing our lesson from Bible Study Guide For All Ages: "Mommy, do Jesus have a pirate hat?"


4. Me, leaving church: "I feel like we're forgetting someone. {looks around and counts kids} Oh, I told your dad that I had a dream last night that I had another baby. Maybe that's who I think we're forgetting."
Alyssa: "It was a vision!"
Me: "It was a girl, too."
Alyssa: "Yes! It definitely was a vision! Another baby!"

5. Jake, making up a joke: "One bird asked another bird if he wanted to go to lunch. The other bird said,  'No.' The first bird said, 'Ok, suet yourself.'"

6. Zac, wrestling with Nicholas, after he was kicked "Never bring a foot to a hand fight."

7. Tyler: "Mom, did you know my first initial looks like the cross?"

8. Half Birthday pancakes

9. Jake was making a cake.
Nicholas: "I help!"
Jake: "Ok, you read the recipe. What does it say?"
Nicholas: "Uhh . . . put lava on it."

10. Nicholas: "You my best fwiend! Because you my mommy!"

11. Nicholas, wearing just a shirt and undies: "I am cold! I need a piece of pants."

12. Tyler, about a coloring book: "This looks like the 1960s! It's all black and white."

What made you Smile this week?

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