Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Things That Make Me Smile 9/28/18

Jake (12 1/2), Alyssa (10 1/2), Zac (8 1/2), Tyler (6 1/2), Nicholas (3 1/2)

This week Leighton and Jake went deer hunting, we practiced being cold case detectives, played a rousing game of hide-n-seek, made some crafts, and just enjoyed the benefits of homeschooling. 

1. Zac: "I love making dinner. I never thought cooking would be this much fun."

2. Jake: "Want to hear my joke? A knight is preparing his horse for battle. He gives him a long speech about his importance and then asks, 'Are you ready to carry me into battle?' The horse says, 'Neigh,' and walks away." (nay)

3. Me: "How much do you love Mama?"
Nicholas: "All of them and a half!"


5. Nicholas: "Mama, was dis Tyyer's cup when he was a baby?"
Me: "Actually, this mug was mine when I was little."
Tyler: "Whoa! That's old! I'm surprised it's not broken."

6. Tyler's drawing.

7. Alyssa, cleaning up her craft area: "I'm going to try to keep my desk clean from now on."
Me: "Good idea."
Alyssa: "It's not an idea; it's common sense."

8. Zac, walking up to me: "I want to tell you something . . . I love you."

9. Zac: "Whoever created pizza, I'd like to shake their hand and talk to them for hours. And sit and eat pizza with them for hours."

10. Nicholas really got into making his personal pizza.

11. Tyler: "I can survive one whole hour without eating."
Me: "Wow, a whole hour, huh?"
Tyler: "Yeah, one time I went from 2 o'clock to 3 o'clock without eating."

12. The problem with raising readers . . . 
Me: "Please do not run through the parking lot."
Jake: "Can we hasten through the parking lot? Ooh, maybe we should canter through it. Walk briskly?"

What made you Smile this week?

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