Friday, February 22, 2019

IXL Learning

Our family benefited from IXL Learning years ago, so I was pleased to receive a full annual membership to all IXL subjects to review again. Our experience had been with the math and language arts materials, but the company has expanded. They have since added science, social studies, and Spanish courses, as well. 

IXL Learning is an online educational website. They strive to create the best educational resources possible and are passionate about using technology for teaching and learning alike. Their products are used by millions of students to practice skills and advance their education. Since its release in 2007, IXL has become the most popular subscription-based learning site for pre-k to high school. With over 7,000 skills, there is something for everyone.

I was able to set up accounts for my kids ages 10, 9, 6, and 4. The process and quick and easy. Each child got to pick an icon to add to their profile, which is always an exciting feature. From there, each student can take a diagnostic test to determine mastered skills or can immediately start practicing.

One aspect of this program that I appreciate is that a student is not locked into a specific grade level, but instead can access all of the content on the site. For instance, two of my boys are proficient at math. I have moved them up for that subject, but kept them at grade level for others. It's easy to adapt the lessons for each student.

Since we're using the site as a supplement to our other materials, I let the kids choose which areas they would like to work. My 10-year-old is already learning Latin, so I was surprised when she immediately was drawn to the Spanish section. She has had very little Spanish instruction and there are no teaching lessons included with this site, yet that hasn't discouraged her from working through this category. After a student answers a question, the site either congratulates him for answering it correctly or explains why it was incorrect. This is what she has been using for instruction. She has been working through a section, looking at the answers, and learning from that. I admit, it's not the most productive way to learn, but she has done all this on her own. I am all for independent learning and am pleased with her drive and excitement.

My 9-year-old loves math and science, so that is where his focus has been. I have him working in two different grades for the subjects, but the site keeps track of that for him. All he has to do is click on the subject and it pulls up where he left off. The skills can be completed in any order. Since learning about animals is his passion, he began in that section. A student can hover over a link to get a glimpse of the skills with preview questions which is helpful when he wants to pick and choose instead of working in order.

I am choosing the daily skills for my 6-year-old. He is very much like his older brother and interested in math and science. Science and social studies are available for grades 2-8, whereas math and language arts cover grades pre-k-high school, I decided to try him at the higher level for science (along with the math I have already explained) since there is no first grade option. After a few skills in language arts, I determined that he needed to move up in that, too. Currently, he is working a grade level higher in all subjects. I like that I can easily alter the questions to meet our needs.

My 4-year-old cannot navigate the site on his own. He does know to click on the blue speaker icon to hear the question read aloud and how to choose his answer. Sometimes though, the submit button is not visible on the screen and the page needs to be scrolled down a little. I have found it easiest and the least frustrating for him if someone sits and works with him, reading the questions, clicking on his answers, and submitting his choice. It's not ideal, but it works.

I can track my kids' progress on the site in my parent profile. The site shows me scores, trouble spots, minutes practiced, questions answered, skills reviewed, and more. In addition to this data, I also receive emails with various achievements, such as hours practiced, skills mastered, and questions answered. There is a link to a PDF that allows me to print a personalized certificate each time.

Those achievements along with many others also are listed in the child's profile. My kids love checking their awards as each time they earn one, they get to unlock a surprise. The awards vary within each subject and grade. They collect things like balloon animals, badges, books, key chains, stuffed animals, nesting dolls, and other virtual prizes.

IXL uses a SmartScore system to measure a students progress toward mastery, instead of focusing on percentage grades. In other words, if he gets an answer correct, he earns a number of points; if he gets one wrong, he loses points. This scoring method encourages a student to keep working until he reaches excellence, though he can end a lesson at any time.

My children are doing well with this learning site. They are challenged with the material and motivated by the awards. I love that they can use the site on their own and that I can customize it to fit individual needs of my kids.

If you're looking for a way to boost your child's academic potential, IXL Learning is a good choice.

You can connect with IXL Learning on the following social media sites:

Be sure to head to the Homeschool Review Crew blog to read more reviews of this website from other homeschool families.

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