Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Big Bible Science

My kids will happily spend their days experimenting with supplies, observing reactions, and investigating scientific data. It is no surprise that they are excited to review science-related materials and explore how the world around them works. Christian Focus recently sent us a book that perfectly speaks to our hands-on approach to learning called Big Bible Science.

Christian Focus has been producing books since the early 1970s. Their mission, "staying faithful" to God and His Word and "reaching out" to the world with the gospel of Christ, is made manifest through the resources they publish. From their Bible studies to their biographies to their children's books, and everything in between, the books point readers to God and the Bible. Their materials are written by authors all over the world and have been translated into over 70 languages.

Since we are big science-loving, hands-on learners, we have used many science and experiment books over the years. Big Bible Science, written by Erin Lee Green, is unique from everything else I have seen.  Rather than simply teaching scientific concepts and observing laws and theories through experimentation, this book demonstrates how God designed the world and all of its scientific aspects. It highlights various Bible stories that coincide with science facts and incorporates many other Scripture references. The book uses a version different from our own, so we keep a Bible with us during our lessons to read.

This paperback book contains just shy of 100 pages of fun. The pages are thick, glossy, and filled with bold colors and images. There are photographs, clip-art, and sketches that complement the written text. The book begins with an introduction explaining the importance of introducing kids to new concepts and all about a biblical worldview of creation. There are also pages with teaching tips, safety protocols, a list of activities and the adult-assistance needed, and other miscellaneous information. There is a page dedicated to the explanation of notebooking and the importance of keeping a scientific journal along with detailed directions to do so.

Big Bible Science covers 21 topics:

  • Gravity
  • Newton's First Law of Motion
  • Newton's Second Law of Motion
  • Newton's Third Law of Motion
  • Coefficient of Friction
  • Static Electricity
  • Acids and Bases
  • Combustion Reactions
  • Plant Requirements
  • Lunar Craters
  • Water Cycle
  • Angle of the Sun's Ray
  • Basic Animal Classification
  • Animal Classification: Zoo Trip
  • Nervous System
  • Muscles
  • Bones
  • Respiratory System
  • Circulatory System
  • Digestive System
  • Urinary System

The science topic are divided into chapters/experiments. Each chapter follows the same format:
  • Objective -- a brief explanation of the learning goal for the chapter
  • Materials -- a list of needed supplies
  • The Big Idea -- the scientific explanation; ties in a biblical perspective and memory verse
  • Activities -- scientific demonstrations, games, and experiments
  • Apply It -- ideas to find examples of the lesson in the real world; reinforces key aspects of scientific and biblical principles
  • Go Beyond -- challenges and experiments for deeper study    

I have been using this course as a group activity with 4 of my children (ages 11, 9, 7, 4). I love reading through the Big Idea sections with them. My favorite part of homeschooling is the time we learn together--expounding on a topic, gaining a glimpse into their minds, and learning and growing together. Not only do these sections teach my little ones scientific concepts, but also incorporate biblical stories and truths into the lessons. We've discussed how Zacchaeus accepted Jesus and related it to Newton's First Law of Motion, the goodness of God's creation and Psalm 34:8 through acids and bases, how adding good habits and character traits to our lives is similar to Newton's Third Law, and more.

My kids' favorite part, by far, are the activities! Some of the chapters list a single experiment for the topic, while others offer many ideas to fully understand that concept. From driving toys cars through a masking-tape finish line to creating moon craters with balls and flour to classifying animals on a trip to the zoo to acting out the components of the blood, there is something to appeal to all little learners. Some of our favorite activities were sending balloons through the house attached to a straw on a string while learning about Newton's Third Law of Motion and tasting various foods found in our kitchen while learning about acids and bases. The activities are simple enough to be enjoyed by my 4-year-old but exciting enough to interest my 11-year-old, as well.

Another aspect of the book that I really appreciate is the mini biography section in the back. I require my kids to read a certain amount of their literature every week in a biography book. There is much you can learn while reading about people's lives. These brief accounts highlight various men who changed the world through their scientific advancements. Some of the 11 influential men that are included are Svante Arrhenius, Benjamin Franklin, Carolus Linnaeus, Leonardo da Vinci, and Lynn Townsend White, JR. 

Big Bible Science is a fantastic resource for learning detailed science concepts through the light of God's Word. Scientific facts, biblical truths, hands-on activities, short biographies--this book has it all.

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Some of my crewmates received other books from Christian Focus including a full biography about a Christian hymn writer and a couple cute ABC picture books that teach about God.

You can read those reviews on the Homeschool Review Crew blog.

Big Bible Science, Elizabeth Prentiss, God is Better than Princesses,  God is Better than Trucks. {Christian Focus Reviews}
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