Monday, August 19, 2019

Things That Make Me Smile 12/14/18

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Jake (13), Alyssa (10 1/2), Zac (9), Tyler (6 1/2), Nicholas (4)

Happy Monday! This list of Smiles covers the first half of December 2018. It's been fun looking back through all the fun of the holidays. So many reasons to stop, be thankful, and smile.

1, Nicholas, randomly and with no other explanation: "I watched two things at Gramma's: this and the other thing."

2. We celebrated Jake becoming a teenager! He requested a variation of our Boston cream pie. Instead of chocolate ganache, he chose a cooked caramel icing for the top.

3. Nicholas: "What can I eat?"
Me: "We're going to eat dinner when Daddy gets home."
Nicholas: "What's for dinner?"
Me: "Soup."
Nicholas, with a big smile: "I have a headache, Mom. Can I not eat soup?"

4. Decorating the house for Christmas with our annual traditions: a warm drink (this year was hot chocolate with fresh whipped cream), festive music, and homemade gingersnaps.

5. Zac: "You're the best mom ever!"
Me: "All because I let you have hot chocolate?"
Zac: "No, because of your baking and because of who you are."

6. Me: "Stop growing up."
Nicholas: "Yes, sir."

7. Nicholas didn't like my answer so he told me he was the mom and I was the boy. I got to play while he did chores. He was having too much fun washing dishes and doing laundry. He kept calling himself "Mama Nicky."

8. Tyler, eating a homemade cookie still warm from the oven: "Mom, I'm glad God made you!"

9. While playing Pictionary during our monthly Game Schooling Day, Zac drew a cross covered in flames. His word was crossfire.

10. Nicholas, trying to say rhino: "A hippopotamus is a wino."

11. Making and decorating sugar cookies as a family.

12. Me: "Is it almost your birthday?"
Nicholas: "Yes!"
Me: "How old are you going to be?"
Nicholas: "5."
Me: "What happened to 4? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5."
Nicholas: "I don't want to do it like that."

13. Nicholas, listening to Tyler explain something: "This is confusicating."

14. Nicholas turned 4 years old. He got a big boy LEGO set and a set of Brain Flakes.

What made you Smile this week?

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