Saturday, March 7, 2020

Things That Make Me Smile 3/6/20

Jake (14), Alyssa 11 1/2), Za (10), Tyler (7 1/2), Nick (5)

Happy weekend! This week we helped sort food for hungry families at Gleaner Food Bank, celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday, attended a surprise birthday party for a dear friend, performed many science experiments and started a new family read aloud. Leighton and Zac were also able to go to a Red Wings hockey game provided by his company. It's been a busy week with many reasons to Smile!

1. Alyssa, holding her library card: "This dinky thing here is acceptance into the Land of Knowledge."

2. Alyssa: "How old is she turning?"
Me: "Twenty-seven."
Nick: "Seven? I thought she was higher than that!"

3. Alyssa: "Is it just me or are my ears buzzing?"


5. When we were at the store, there was a newborn baby that was fussing and I chuckled and commented on how adorable it was. 
Jake: "I think it's really weird that you find humor in the discomfort of babies."

6. Nicholas, seeing just the top of a pine tree over the church building: "Whoa! How did a tree grow up there?!"

7. Alyssa: "Can I watch something?"
Me: "Yes, but you're not going to watch all night long."
Alyssa: "Ok, I was just going to pick The Sound of Music."
Me: "The Sound of Music? Ok."
Jake, laughing: "You don't want to be watching all night long, but you pick The Sound of Music?"
Me: "Well, yeah, it's The Sound of Music!"

8. Tyler, showing me a creation he made: "This means that you love Daddy and you will never leave him. You're connected to him."

9. Me: "Tyler and Nicholas, you need to clean up the living room."
Nick: "Serendipitous!"
Zac: "That was unexpected but enjoyable?"

10. Relating the personalities of our family to Dr. Seuss books. 

11. Jake: "I'm going to make my own gun and call it a doodle-doo."
Me, laughing: "A doodle-doo?"
Jake: "Yeah. Then I can cock a doodle-doo."

What made you Smile this week?

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