Friday, December 12, 2014

Things That Make Me Smile 12/12/14

Jake (9), Alyssa (6½), Zac (5), Tyler (2½)

Happy Friday! We are one week closer to meeting our baby! Things are going well. I am almost 36 weeks along and bed rest will be over soon. Yay! We've started organizing and washing, so we don't have a repeat of the unpreparedness of Tyler's birth. I hope you've had a great week filled with many Smiles. 

1. Jake: "If you tan yourself, do you turn back to normal?"

2. The kids go to bed at 9:00 p.m.. They each have a light and can read for a little while, if they want.
Jake, coming in my room at 11:00 p.m.: "May I get some more water?"
Me: "Sure."
Jake: "I just finished Treasure Island."
Me: "You did? The whole book? But you just started it!"
Jake: "Yeah, it took me about 2 hours."

3. Tyler calling granola "gorilla."

4. This note that Alyssa gave me when she got home from church:

5. Alyssa: "Tyler said the cutest thing! 'Sixteen browns, eleventeen browns, seventeen browns.' It was adorable!"

6. Zac: "I'm like the hungriest man in the earth!"

7. Zac, holding a popsicle: "That's so cold, my hand would burn to freeze."

8. Tyler was playing with this clothespin when he held it up and said, "Mommy, A! I find A!" A minute later, he clipped it on the laptop. "Look! H! I made H!"

9. Jake: "Tyler is the cutest ever! His cuteness matches his troubleness."

10. Me, after reading Isaiah 7:14, while discussing names of Jesus: "Do you know what Emmanuel means?"
Jake: "A guide, you know, like 'a manual.'"

What made you Smile this week?

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