Sunday, January 29, 2017

Things That Make Me Smile 1/6/17

Jake (10½), Alyssa (8½), Zac (7), Tyler (4½), Nicholas (2)

This week, I took Jake out for his special day, we celebrated the New Year with family, and we tried to reclaim some order after the craziness of the holidays. 

1. Tyler, pretending to cook in the bathtub: ". . . You put it in the oven for 100 seconds. Then you put it on the table, because it's hot. When all the hot gets out, it's warm. Then you eat it!" 

2. Tyler: "My heart is beeping fast." 


4. Me, sternly: "Zachary Allen Leaf."
Zac, excited: "That was the first time you've ever said my whole name when I was in trouble! Yessss!"

5. Alyssa: "Aw, it's like Nicky is a little human . . . well, that came out wrong." 

6. Zac: "I've heard before that a rooster makes half the egg and a hen makes the other half. That's weird."

7. Me: "Look. They already have valentine's stuff out."
Jake: "These stores jump through holidays too quickly." 

8.  Jake saved up his money to buy the LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon.

9. Nicholas was playing in a kitchen drawer and found our ice cream scooper. He immediately got excited and said, "Papa. Papa. Papa," because my dad gives the kids ice cream every Friday night.

10. Jake: "I write better than her."
Me: "I write better than she."
Jake, disgusted: "Better than she?"
Me: "Yes, because you're actually saying, 'I write better than she writes.'"
Jake: "Oh. That's where I draw the grammar line." 

What made you Smile this week?
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1 comment:

  1. Some weeks it hard to choose a favorite smile . . . like this week. :) They are all favorites.
